Communication, Uncategorized

Ten Facts About Communicating Non-verbally

“Music, touch, smiles - they all tell a story if we pay attention. Without speech, we have to use all our senses to connect on a more direct level”.  Rami Kripke-Ludwig ”... I found my voice through pointing on my board. It was so frustrating (before then) to not be able to tell anyone how… Continue reading Ten Facts About Communicating Non-verbally


Language and Communication Differences in Non-Speaking Autistics

“The difference in how language is acquired and used means the vocabulary is different, the nuances are different, the structure of language and how words are formed is different, and our relationship with language is different”.


Autistic Pride: I am Proud of Who I Am

Autistic Pride Day, on  the 18th June, is a growing grassroots initiative by the Autistic community.  It is a day initiated and led by Autistics individuals themselves to celebrate their neurodiversity.  It is distinctly separate from the Autism Awareness Day / week  held in April each year, which tends to focus on Autism from a… Continue reading Autistic Pride: I am Proud of Who I Am

Cadence's Writings, Communication, Uncategorized

"When my friends go up to someone and talk, I don't understand how words just come out of their mouth. I wish I could do that. How do they do that? It's not uncommon for an Autistic child's thinking to be profound or ahead of their peers. It is common for them to have significant… Continue reading


The Truth about Lying

Sometimes its big things. Sometimes just little things. But, big or small, in can appear to others that my little Miss has an almost obsessional desire for what others might perceive as ‘bold face lying’. Just recently to her psychologist of all people, Miss declared that she didn’t have a white board. Now, anyone who… Continue reading The Truth about Lying