Cadence's Writings, Uncategorized

Autistic Girl Describes What Autism Means to Her

When did you get diagnosed with Autism? Have your feelings towards Autism changed since then? I was diagnosed Autistic when I was little. It’s something I’ve always known, so I don’t know what it’s like not to know I have Autism.Some people call my Autism ‘Classic Autism’ and they think it’s a bad thing. But… Continue reading Autistic Girl Describes What Autism Means to Her


The Truth about Lying

Sometimes its big things. Sometimes just little things. But, big or small, in can appear to others that my little Miss has an almost obsessional desire for what others might perceive as ‘bold face lying’. Just recently to her psychologist of all people, Miss declared that she didn’t have a white board. Now, anyone who… Continue reading The Truth about Lying