Cadence's Writings, Emotions & Feelings, Uncategorized

Sensory Differences & Social Anxiety

"I always thought everyone noticed me because I notice everything. I don't like being noticed.   But I notice everything because I am autism. I maybe don't need to worry about people noticing me because if they are not Autism, they don't notice everything I notice. On reflection, it makes perfect sense that a child born… Continue reading Sensory Differences & Social Anxiety

Emotions & Feelings, Uncategorized

7 year old Autistic girl describes what ‘overwhelmed’ feels like.

  “First … My brain stops. There is nothing. I cannot see. I cannot hear. I am not there. I don’t feel anything.Next … My heart is pounding, booming so fast. Can you feel it? Can you hear it? My fingers tingle, feeling strange. Goosebumps all over; they prickle me. Feel so cold; can’t get… Continue reading 7 year old Autistic girl describes what ‘overwhelmed’ feels like.